Saxophone Bliss

Saxophone Bliss

by Steven Translateur


The first notes Chisholm Gerdon blew through the brass horn sounded like an animal dying.
But he did not give up. Week after week, night after night, he struggled with the harmony contraption as if it were a rambunctious comrade needing to be tamed.

And then, miraculously, after two months, pleasant sounding tunes began to be heard from his efforts. They were so good, he got up the courage to audition for a band in the neighborhood. He was rejected at first. “Too rough around the edges – too sloppy,” said the band organizer.

Then, after five months more of practice, the same band, THE TWILIGHT SWINGERS, heard him play again. This instance, he was so much better, they accepted him!

They performed at weddings and birthday parties, an eclectic mix of top forty numbers and
sentimental songs.

2 years later, the ensemble received an invitation to do a television show! They responded and played their hearts out – 2 singers, 2 guitars, drums, and of course, Chisholm’s saxophone.

The competition for the program’s song contest was strong. But their original piece of drums pounding, guitars wailing, songsters belting out, and a saxophone blaring, mesmerized the audience and judges. They sung about longing and fulfillment, patience and reward. They won second place!

Now Chisholm is a world famous saxophonist. As they say, “practice makes perfect” –
never give up.

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